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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Customer service? We're too busy on Facebook....

It's sad but true - about half of my wardrobe comes from just one high street retailer. Thinking it was about time I got with the 21st century, I ordered a significant shop online. Big mistake. Me and this particular retailer are now not speaking...

A week and a half later and despite a dent in my bank balance there was no sign of the clothes.To the internet! No customer services number and the order tracking number I was given was getting me nowhere on the courier website.

I turned to Facebook to vent my frustration and got quite a quick response from someone with the authority to tell Customer Services to get their rear in gear and give me a call. We had plenty of issues to sort out but the end result is no clothes but at least I've been refunded. Not exactly a WIN in terms of customer satisfaction - I still have no clothes.

What really disappoints me is the fact I got a lot better service going through Facebook than I would have going to the local branch. I know from years of working as a shop assistant back in my student days that it would take a lot longer for a customer complaint to make it that far up the food chain but as we speak, my lost delivery gripe is probably being pored over in this week's social media report.

Since when did social media become more important than selling clothes?

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