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Saturday, 12 February 2011

Must see at MWC - social media for mobiles

I'm off to Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next week with work. This is the Big Daddy of mobile events and a great barometer of what's happening in the mobile industry. While I'm there providing PR support for Movidius, the company driving cool new 3D multimedia features in mobile devices, I'll also be keeping an eye out for interesting developments related to mobile and social media.
I've never been a heavy Facebook user but having a smartphone has really changed that in recent months. Being able to upload photos and links to Facebook on the go makes it a much more convenient and real time tool and I doubt I'd be using Twitter so much if I couldn't use it any time, anywhere. Who wants to log in from a desktop once or twice a day and catch up on hundreds (or thousands) of tweets?
At Mobile World Congress, I'll be keeping an eye out for any announcements about social media apps for portable devices. A whole list of social media companies are on the list of attendees and the press list is padded out with both traditional media and Twitter savvy bloggers. I'm also hoping to hear more about improvements to positioning technologies and improved multimedia features which I believe will have a huge impact on the effectiveness of Facebook Places, Facebook deals and other location based social media apps such as FourSquare, Gowalla et al.
Everyone tells me MWC is a great show so I'm very excited to go along and see it for myself. Oh, and Barcelona's not bad either... Bring on La Fira!

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