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I can be found blogging occassionally on http://blog.emlwildfire.com/ More news and views on Twitter @PRgirl85

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Ain't no spat like a Celeb Twitter spat....

Back when I was in school bullying was a dead arm or a Chinese burn but these days kids have all kind of new cruel and unusual punishments for one another. It's not just actual kids at it though, apparently those with the mental age of children are also engaged in cyber bullying.

Footballer Rio Ferdinand apparently got into a lot of trouble for attempting to get  #piershasmoobs trending on Twitter. The good folk at Twitter apparently didn't like that at all. Perhaps Piers Morgan complained.

Only two hours into this celebrity spat (which I'm sure will get much more interesting) but Piers has already got his mum involved. She told Rio to pick on someone his own size and Piers to pick on someone his own pay grade. Probably.

(Check @rioferdy5 and @piersmorgan for more... there ain't no spat like a Celebrity Twitter Spat).

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Oversharing on social media - who, what, where, when, why?

One of the main issues I have with location based social media apps is that to use them, you must publicly tell the world where you are and what you are doing.

Some of my Facebook friends have a subtle way of sharing using Facebook Places so you get an update to say they're checked in at a train station or the airport so I know they're officially off on their holidays. I think that's sweet, but I don't like the fact that everyone else 'checked in' also knows that, or that they come up as a recent check in when you run a search on the venue.

Why is it that when it comes to social media there is no such thing as too much information? I really don't want to know what you had for dinner or every time you go somewhere. So stop clogging up my twitter feed.